Sunday, February 26, 2023

Stage Metronome FAQ

Get answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about how to use the Stage Metronome app majorly focusing on song and setlist management.


Q1: What Are Different Tabs/Pages in this App For?

There are five tab pages in the app for different purposes which is briefly described here.
  1. New/Edit: Creating new songs and editing existing songs can be done from this page.
  2. Full Screen: Displays big beat number and beat lights which are useful during LIVE performance.
  3. Set-List: To create new setlist and to add existing songs into any setlist are done from here.
  4. Settings: Different app settings can be configured from this page.
  5. VIP Membership: This screen allows you to manage and purchase VIP membership.

Q2: How to Set Beat Sounds?

Beat sounds are global property and the selected sound applies to all the songs. Different sounds for different songs is not possible. To change the sound do the following.
  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Start playing current song
  3. Press the < or > buttons below the large beat number to select the preferred sound

Q3: How to Change Beat Lights Behavior?

Now three different types of beat light patterns are supported in the app, that can be configured according to your taste in Settings screen (Settings → Beat Light Pattern).

Q4: How to Adjust Delay Between Beat Sound And Beat Light?

There can be some delay between the played beat sound and the beat number displayed. This is due to the audio latency in android devices and the delay is not the same for all devices. If you experience any out of sync between the audio and the visuals, do the following.
  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Start playing any song
  3. Press on the sync button present at the left-top of the large bear number, the Sync Delay Adjust dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Adjust the two sliders to set the delay value (in milli-second) such that there is no out of sync
    2. Press outside the dialog to come out from it

Song Management

Q1: How to Create a New Song?

  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Press the + button at the top (portrait mode) / top at the right-half (landscape mode). A new song gets created with the settings of the last selected song and a default song name. This new song is added in the current Setlist. New song is always added to the All Songs setlist by default
  3. Select desired Meter from the left-hand side buttons
  4. Select desired Beat Pattern from the right-hand side buttons
  5. Set desired tempo by sliding the tempo slider
  6. Set the desired beats as accent by tapping on the desired beat-lights (lights turned blue are accent)
  7. Press the save button. The Save Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Provide a song name of your choice or keep the default song name
    2. Press the SAVE button

Q2: How to Edit Parameter(s) of an Existing Song?

  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Navigate to the song that you want to edit by pressing the < and > buttons
  3. Select desired Meter from the left-hand side buttons if change is needed
  4. Select desired Beat Pattern from the right-hand side buttons if change is needed
  5. Set desired tempo by sliding the tempo slider if change is needed
  6. Set the desired beats as accent by tapping on the desired beat-lights (lights turned blue are accent) if change is needed
  7. Press the save button, the Save Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Provide a different song name if needed
    2. Press the SAVE button

Q3: How to Rename an Existing Song?

  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Navigate to the song that you want to rename by pressing the < and > buttons
  3. Press the save button, the Rename Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Provide a different song name
    2. Press the SAVE button

Q4: How to Delete an Existing Song?

  1. Go to the Edit/Create page
  2. Navigate to the song that you want to delete by pressing the < and > buttons
  3. Press the delete button, the Delete Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Press the DELETE button

Set List Management

Q1: How to Create a New Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. Press the new button present in the Set List box, the Create New Set List dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Provide a setlist name (or use the default name provided in the dialog)
    2. Press the CREATE button

Q2: How to Rename an Existing Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist that you want to rename
  3. Press the save button present in the Set List box, the Rename Set List dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Provide the desired setlist name
    2. Press the RENAME button

Q3: How to Delete an Existing Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist that you want to delete
  3. Press the delete button present in the Set List box, the Delete dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Press the DELETE button

Q4: How to Add a New Songs to Any Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist where you want to add a new song
  3. Now follow the steps for How to Create a New Song

Q5: How to Add Existing Songs to Any Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist where you want to add existing songs
  3. Press the + button, the Add Songs to Set List dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Select one or more songs from the list that you want to add in the setlist
    2. Press the ADD button

Q6: How to Delete Songs from Any Setlist?

Approach 1

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist from where you want to delete song(s)
  3. Press the delete button under Songs in Set List section, the Delete Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Press the DELETE button
  4. Repeat step 3 for every song that you want to delete

Approach 2

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist from where you want to delete song(s)
  3. Go to the Edit/Create page
  4. Navigate to the song that you want to delete by pressing the < and > buttons
  5. Press the delete button, the Delete Song dialog opens. Do the following in that dialog
    1. Press the DELETE button
  6. Repeat step 4 & 5 for every song that you want to delete

Q7: How to Reorder Songs in Any Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist where you want rearrange song(s)
  3. Long press on any song (or simply press on the right-hand side six dots) and move the song to the desired position
  4. Repeat step 3 for every song you want to change it's order

Q8: How to Play Songs of Any Setlist?

  1. Go to the Set List page
  2. From the drop-down select the setlist you want to play the songs
  3. Tap on the song that you want to start playing
  4. For playing songs of the setlist one after another there are two approaches
    1. Approach 1
      1. Go to the Edit/Create page
      2. Press the Start or Sync button to play the selected song
      3. press the > or < buttons to navigate to the next/previous songs
    2. Approach 2
      1. Go to the Full Screen page
      2. Press the Start button or tap on the beat number to play the selected song
      3. press the > or < buttons to navigate to the next/previous songs

Please help us deliver you the best by sharing your comment about the FAQ whether the answers helped you, or any answer needs more explanation, or you have a different question which is not answered here etc.